AOS: Applied Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
AOC: Philosophy of Law, PPE
Affiliate Instructor, University of Washington Tacoma, 2023-
Part-time Lecturer, University of Washington Tacoma, 2022-2023
Part-time Lecturer, Seattle Pacific University, 2022
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 2019-2021
Adjunct Faculty, University of Notre Dame, 2018-2019
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame, 2017-2018
University of Notre Dame
PhD., January 2018
Dissertation: “Committing to Equality: Distributive Justice, Community, and Economics;” Robert Audi (co-advisor,) Paul Weithman (co-advisor,) Sara Bernstein, Christopher Shields, James Sterba
College of William & Mary
B.A., Philosophy, 2012
Books Authored:
(with Rebecca Chan, Tyron Goldschmidt, and Liz Jackson) Applied Ethics: An Impartial Introduction, Hackett, 2021.
Books Edited:
The Routledge Little Debates About Big Questions series, co-edited with Tyron Goldschmidt.
- (with Corentin Biteau, Tom Bry-Chevalier, Ren Ryba, and Michael St. Jules) “Bugs in the system: the logic of insect farming research is flawed by unfounded assumptions,” npj Sustainable Agriculture (forthcoming).
- (with Corentin Biteau, Tom Bry-Chevalier, Ren Ryba, and Michael St. Jules) “Insect-based livestock feeds are unlikely to become economically viable in the near future.” Food and Humanity 3(4), 2024.
- (with Corentin Biteau, Tom Bry-Chevalier, Ren Ryba, and Michael St. Jules) “Is turning food waste into insect feed an uphill climb? A review of persistent challenges,” Sustainable Production and Consumption 49: 492-501, 2024.
- “Analytic Jewish Philosophy,” in the Routledge Companion to Jewish Philosophy, ed. by Tyron Goldschmidt and Daniel Rynhold, Routledge (forthcoming).
- “What if We Contain Multiple Morally Relevant Subjects?”, Utilitas (forthcoming).
- “Is Abortion the Only Issue?”, Ergo (forthcoming).
- (with Brian Cutter) “Psychophysical Harmony: A Novel Argument for Theism,” Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion (forthcoming).
- “Human Dominion and Wild Animal Suffering,” Religious Studies (forthcoming).
- “The Ethics of Consuming Meat,” in Meat and Meat Replacements: An Interdisciplinary Assessment of Current Status and Future Directions, ed. by Herb Meiselman and Jose M. Lorenzo, Elsevier (forthcoming).
- “Freedom, Firearms, and Civil Resistance,” Journal of Ethics (forthcoming).
- “Humans, Elves, and Greenland Sharks: Against Kagan’s Distributive Argument for Hierarchical Moral Status,” Between the Species (forthcoming).
- “Wrongful Procreation, Factory Farming, and the Afterlife,” Faith & Philosophy (forthcoming).
- “Prosecutorial Discretion and Republican Non-Domination,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (forthcoming).
- “There Are No In-Principle Ethical Objections to Controlled Voluntary SARS-CoV-2 Infection,” Bioethics (forthcoming).
- “MIP Does Not Save the Impairment Argument Against Abortion: A Reply to Blackshaw and Hendricks,” Journal of Medical Ethics (forthcoming).
- “Taming Zootheism: On Equality, Solidarity, and Incarnation,” Journal of Analytic Theology (forthcoming).
- “Objectification, Indication, and Sexual Ethics,” invited chapter in Contemporary Sexual Ethics: Is There Still a Secular Virtue of Chastity?, ed. by Eric Silverman, Routledge (forthcoming).
- “You are Spider-Man” (a piece defending an “effective altruist” approach to the ethics of career choice), invited chapter in College Ethics: A Reader on Moral Issues that Affect You, 2nd Edition, ed. by Bob Fischer, Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
- “The Real Advantages of the Simulation Solution to the Problem of Natural Evil,” Religious Studies 57(4): 618-633, 2021.
- “Violinists, Demandingness, and the Impairment Argument Against Abortion,” Bioethics 34(2): 214-220, 2020.
- “Equality as a Moral Basis for Progressive Politics” and “Reply,” invited chapters in Ethics, Left and Right, ed. by Bob Fischer, Oxford University Press, 85-93 and 103-105, 2020.
- (with Philip Swenson) “God and Moral Knowledge,” invited chapter in A New Theist Response to the New Atheists, ed. by Kevin Vallier and Josh Rasmussen, Routledge, 33-46, 2020.
- (with Philip Swenson) “Gun Control, the Right to Self-Defense, and Reasonable Beneficence to All,” Ergo 6(36): 1035-1056, 2019.
- “Eschatology for Creeping Things (And Other Animals),” invited chapter inThe Lost Sheep in Philosophy of Religion: New Perspectives on Disability, Gender, Race, and Animals, ed. by Kevin Timpe and Blake Hereth, Routledge, 141-162, 2019.
- (with Rebecca Chan) “Moral Indulgences: When Offsetting is Wrong,” Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion,9, 68-95, 2019.
- “Expression and Indication in Ethics and Political Philosophy,” Res Publica, 25(3), 387-406, 2019.
- “Sufferer-Centered Requirements on Theodicy and All-Things-Considered Harms,” Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, 8, 71-95, 2017.
- “The Problem of Evil and the Suffering of Creeping Things,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 82(1), 71-88, 2017.
- “Wealth, Well-being, and the Danger of Having Too Much,” invited paper for an interdisciplinary special issue on economic inequality in Religions 8(5), 2017.
- “‘We are Here to Help Each Other’: Religious Community, Divine Hiddenness, and the Responsibility Argument,” Faith and Philosophy 32(1), 45-62, 2015.
Book Reviews:
- Religious Liberty: Essays on First Amendment Law, ed. by Daniel L. Robinson and Richard N. Williams, for Religious Studies Review 43(1), 49-50, 2017.
- Does God Matter? Essays on the Axiological Consequences of Theism, ed. by Klass Kraay, for Faith & Philosophy 36(3), 396-402, 2019.
- “Rawlsian Public Reason,” invited keynote for the 8th Conference of the Brazilian Association for Philosophy of Religion (Associação Brasileira de Filosofia da Religião) on the theme “Religion in the Public Square,” Federal University of Ouro Preto, October 2019.
- “God and Moral Knowledge,” invited talk for a colloquium on rationality and value (“Racionalidade e Valor”), Federal University of Uberlândia, September 2019.
- “Objectification, Indication, and Chastity,” conference on the theme “Is There Still a Secular Virtue of Chastity?,” Christopher Newport University, March 2019.
- (with Philip Swenson) “Gun Control and the Right to Self-Defense,” at:
- Rocky Mountain Ethics Conference, UC Boulder, August 2018;
- Symposium at the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting, February 2018.
- (with Rebecca Chan) “Moral Indulgences: When Offsetting is Wrong,” at:
- Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Calvin College, September 2018;
- Third Annual Theistic Ethics Workshop, College of William & Mary, October 2017.
- “The Authority of Others and the Fate of Outlaws,” conference for the 60th anniversary of Anscombe’s “Modern Moral Philosophy,” University of Notre Dame, January 2018.
- (with Nevin Climenhaga) “Modal Realism Implies Inductive Skepticism,” Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture Annual Fall Conference, University of Notre Dame, November 2017.
- “The Simulation Hypothesis, Theism, and ‘Natural’ Evil,” Eastern Regional Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Rutgers University, October 2016.
- “Wealth, Well-Being, and the Danger of Having Too Much,” at “Growing Apart: The Implications of Economic Inequality,” an interdisciplinary conference at Boston College, April 2016.
- “Theodicy for Creeping Things,” Eastern Regional Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Messiah College, September 2015.
- “Protecting at-Risk People from Homophobia: Causal Inference in Same-Sex Parenting Research,” invited presentation at session on “Socially Engaged Philosophy of Science: Protecting At-Risk People,” Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, Chicago, November 2014.
- “Sufferer Centered-Constraints and Genuinely Regrettable Evils,” at:
- Canadian Society of Christian Philosophers, Brock University, May 2014;
- Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Trinity College, March 2014.
- “Infinite Values, Epistemicist Worries and the Possibility of Parity.” Canadian Philosophical Association, Brock University, May 2014.
- “Theodicy and Lousy but Inexhaustible Goods.” Mountain-Pacific Regional Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Carroll College, April 2014.
- “‘We are Here to Help Each Other’: Divine Hiddenness and the Responsibility Argument,” at:
- Canadian Society of Christian Philosophers, University of Victoria, June 2013;
- St. Louis University Annual Graduate Student Conference, SLU, March 2013.
- Comments on “The Copernican Principle and Arguments from Evil” by Samuel Ruhmkorff, Central APA, March 2016.
- Comments on “Objectification, Mutuality and Autonomy” by Patricia Marino, retirement conference for Alan Goldman, College of William & Mary, September 2015.
- Comments on “Theism and Material Causality” by Felipe Leon,’ Pacific APA, Vancouver, April 2015.
- Comments on “Comparing Mozart to Michelangelo: the Inapplicability of Parity” by Jean-Charles Pelland, Canadian Philosophical Association, Brock University, May 2014.
- Comments on “William Hasker on Gratuitous Evil” by Klaas Kraay, Canadian Society of Christian Philosophers, Brock University, May 2014.
- Comments on “Epistemic Uniqueness, Permissiveness, and Peer Disagreement” by Tim Tung-Ying Wu, Northwestern/Notre Dame Graduate Epistemology Conference, Northwestern University, April 2014.
- Comments on “Cartesianism and Epistemic Normativity” by Nevin Climenhaga, Northwestern/Notre Dame Graduate Epistemology Conference, University of Notre Dame, April 2013.
Professional Service:
Referee for Ergo, Journal of Ethics, American Philosophical Quarterly, Religious Studies, Faith and Philosophy, and Philosophia Christi
Editorial Assistant, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2017-2018
Student Mentor for the Minorities and Philosophy Mentorship Program at Notre Dame, 2016-2017
Theistic Ethics Workshop (presenting “Moral Indulgences”), College of William & Mary, October 2017
St. Thomas Summer Seminar in Philosophy of Religion, University of St. Thomas, June 2016
Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion Graduate Student Essay Prize (for “Sufferer-Centered Requirements on Theodicy and All Things Considered Harms,”) 2014
Teaching Experience:
As an instructor:
Ethics in Society, University of Washington Tacoma, Spring 2022
Introduction to Ethics, University of Washington Tacoma, Spring 2022
Faith, Philosophy and Science, Seattle Pacific University, Spring 2022
Faith, Philosophy and Science, Seattle Pacific University, Winter 2022
Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2019
Moral Problems, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2018
Political Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2017
Introduction to Philosophy, Ivy Tech Community College, Spring 2016
Introduction to Ethics, Ivy Tech Community College, Fall 2015
Introduction to Ethics, Ivy Tech Community College, Fall 2014
As a TA at the University of Notre Dame:
Perspectives on Western Civilization, under Cornelius Delaney
Introduction to Philosophy, under Christopher Shields
Medical Ethics, under David Solomon
Paradoxes, under Jeff Speaks
Introduction to Philosophy, under Meghan Sullivan